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Bíblia portuguese bible free! app for android description: This is the bible in portuguese also know as the jo o ferreira de almeida atualizada bible or aa or de almeida bible.

It is translated by a man called jo o ferreira de almeida atualizadajo o ferreira annes de almeida (portuguese pronunciation: u w f j n d a m jd ) (1628 1691) was a portuguese protestant pastor the eponymous bible translation he began also goes by his name.

Ferreira de almeida born in v rzea de tavares portugal is best known for his translation of the bible into portuguese which he began at the age of 16 and continued translating until his death.

He translated the new testament completely and most books of the old testament (hebrew scripture).

The translation was completed by his friend jacob op den akker.

He was a dutch reformed pastor and worked with churches in java (at the time a dutch colony modern day indonesia) and also preached in goa on the indian subcontinent (at the time a portuguese colony now part of india).

Ferreira de almeida died in batavia java.

Little is known his life the majority of facts come from the preface of his bible translationferreira de almeida 39 s translation of the bible is most closely associated with portuguese speaking protestants and is the most commonly used translation by portuguese speaking protestant evangelicals particularly in brazil.

His work is the source of many bible versions like the edi o revista e corrigida (revised and corrected edition published in 1948 is an update of other editions) the edi o revista e atualizada (revised and updated edition most based in newer manuscripts) published by brazilian bible society and portuguese bible society almeida corrigida e fiel (almeida corrected and faithful) by trinitarian bible society of brazil and edi o contempor nea de almeida (almeida 39 s contemporary edition) by editora vida.

The main principle of translation used by ferreira de almeida was that of formal equivalence (following t

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